Alaska small business loans

What Industries Do We Serve in Alaska? We provide small business loans to businesses in a wide variety of industries. Some of the most common industries we serve in Alaska are: Transportation Tourism Fishing and Mining We consider businesses of all types, and we serve business owners by offering a line of credit with flexible repayment options.Loan Program. Description. SBA Guaranteed Loans. Business and Industry Guaranteed Loans. Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) Loan Participation Program. Indian Loan Guaranty Program. Small Business Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund. Rural Development Initiative Fund.The U.S. Small Business Administration offers nearly a dozen SBA loan programs, ranging from microloans to multi-million dollar 7 (a) loans and the CDC 504 loan program. For the most part, the SBA doesn’t make loans. Instead it guarantees loans made by participating SBA lenders.Why choose an Alaska Dealstruck business loan. About Us. Our Company Our Technology Success Stories Testimonials Press & News FAQs Business Loans. Easy Business Loans Term Loan . Alaska Small Business Loans. Calculate Your Daily Payment. Desired Credit Limit $ 20,000. Repayment Periods. 12 Months.Alaska. “”Helping U.S. businesses start, grow, create jobs and succeed”” is at the core of SBA’s mission. The agency could not meet that commitment, however, were it not for an array of resource and lending partners that make possible the effective delivering of SBA programs and services. Alaska Center for Natural Medicine is a physical .
Loans may be made for working capital, equipment, construction or other commercial purposes for a business located in Alaska. Alaska resident for the 12 months preceding the date of application. Loans may not be made to pay costs that were incurred more than six months before loan application. Applicant (s) may not have any child support arrearage.Although the federal government does not publically provide grants for starting and expanding a business, in Alaska, some small business grants are given to business owners to start and grow their ventures, and grant recipients do not have to pay back the funding from government.Based on Juneau, Alaska Pacific Bank has loaned nearly $37 million to small businesses in the state. Top Alaska Cities and Their Lenders Alaska is often considered the last frontier of the United States. As the nation’s coldest and most undeveloped region, the area often seems unapproachable by outsiders.For help with your MyAlaska account, visit MyAlaska’s Help Page or call 1-866-377-0126 . The Juneau Economic Development Council (JEDC) is the administrator for the AK-ARPA business relief program. For assistance with your application, you can contact JEDC’s AK-ARPA hotline at (907) 917-3720 or email [email protected] .Small businesses can apply through Alaska lenders for the Paycheck Protection Program, provided by the Federal CARES Act. The loan is designed as an incentive for businesses to keep employees employed throughout the COVID-19 economic slowdown. The SBA will forgive loans if all employees are kept on the payroll for eight weeks and the money is .
Business Impact NW (BIN) opened a new Lending & Technical Assistance Office in downtown Anchorage, which combines its microlending division with its previously established Veteran Business Outreach Center. A long-standing partnership with the US Small Business Administration (SBA) allows the office to service loans ranging from $5,000 to $50,000.Alaska USA offers business and commercial loans secured with cash, inventory, equipment, securities, or real estate. Unsecured term loans are also available.